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Comment by user695652 on std::thread thread spun off in object, when does it...

I see, though I still don't understand how I would correctly terminate my thread in the destructor, yield woudl not work because my thread runs in an endless loop.

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Comment by user695652 on std::thread thread spun off in object, when does it...

@kfsone thanks for the comment. Could you specify a bit more on which undefined behavior thread(&Bar::foo, this) is reliant on

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Comment by user695652 on Terminating an std::thread which runs in endless loop

@ NathanOliver But if I detach it and the thread accesses member fields of Bar the behaviour would be undefined after the Bar instance gets destructed

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Comment by user695652 on Terminating an std::thread which runs in endless loop

@Holt thanks for your answer. I have one question: What do you mean by You use an std::atomic<bool> to control the loop;?

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Comment by user695652 on subtraction from size_t results in large positive...

@ Borgleader one of those annoying "remove trailing whitespace situations" when concatenating strings

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Comment by user695652 on template deduction evaluates to overload of...

@Jon McClung, thanks for your comment. I would like to use the one with double.

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Comment by user695652 on template deduction evaluates to overload of...

thanks for your answer. Could you expand it a bit, I don't see how I can call bar with a non double value in your approach.

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Comment by user695652 on template deduction evaluates to overload of...

@marcinj I think I undestand W.F. comment but why exactly do we need template<int=0> ?

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Comment by user695652 on Terminating a shell script bar from a script foo

Nice solution, thanks! Once question: in the stop section, shouldn't we delete the pidfile as the last instruction? Otherwise we would always end up in the echo "$pidfile exists." case

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Comment by user695652 on C++ Ensure that subclasses provide a custom value...

@ Richard Critten But how do you ensure that the prio is constant for each object of a class?

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std::sort descending order with operator overloading

I have an std::vector of object for which I overloaded the < operator. How can I use std::sort to sort it in descending order (without needing to write my own Comparator)?

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std::unordered_map test if specific Foo key is present

I have an unordered map of Foo objects and I would like to efficiently test, if the key set contains of Foo objects with a given id. One way would be to construct a Foo object and set it's id to the...

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Template specialization with empty brackets and struct

I am used to the template syntax of the form struct hash<template class Key> but what is the difference when using template <> struct hash<Key> ?namespace std { template <>...

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Smart Pointers and non-copyable member fields

After reading quite a bit about (smart)-pointers in the context of class members, I am still not sure how to handle to follwoing situation. I want to create objects of type Foo, either by calling the...

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Wrapping std::map and provide pointer to element

I am using a library which offers a function foo(Widget*).My Widgets are stored in struct WidgetManager { std::map<int, Widget> dict; ??? getWidget(int id);}Originally I stored (raw) Widget...

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C++11: Default constructor: Implicit or Explicit? [closed]

When am I supposed to use the default keyword in C++11?Is it now considered bad to writestruct Foo {};and one should writestruct Foo { Foo() = default;};?

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Understanding Simple Race Condition example

I'm very new to multithreaded programming and I don't quite understand why exactly I am getting the following outputs in different runs of the code below. run 1:http://bar => fake content http://foo...

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Given sorted vector find transition from negative to positive

Given a sorted std::vector<int>, I would like, using C++11-STD functions, to find the index where the elements transition from negative to positive.I am aware that I can implement this using a...

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Using std::async in constructor

I am quite new to the C++11 feature std::async and I fail to grasp why the code below never prints bar. Could someone shed some light on this for me?class Thready { public: Thready() {...

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Inserting an object having a non copyable field into an std::vector

I understand that the following code does not compile since the move constructor of A is deleted because the mutex is not movable.class A { public: A(int i) {} private: std::mutex m;};int main() {...

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std::map of non-movable objects [duplicate]

Related to my previous question: Inserting an object having a non copyable field into an std::vectorIt seems that I can have a map storing non-movable objects Aonly if A is default constructable. Is...

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How long is std::async running?

If I create an std::async object in a class, how long does the corresponding thread run? Until the desctructor of the containing class (Bar) is called? class Bar {public:Bar() { handle = std::async(...

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Reference to return value of function [duplicate]

I am confused whether in the following snippet foo is guaranteed to be valid, i.e., whether I am allowed to store function return values as const references? I am asking because the return value is...

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threadsafety vs Iterator validity

I have two threads:Thread A inserting into an std::mapThread B removing from an std::mapSince std::map::erase and std::map::insert keep all iterators of the map valid, I don't seem to understand how a...

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Is master always redis instance with smallest priority?

I am running master-slave redis with sentinel, when I kill my master, the lowest priority slave becomes the new master. But when I start my old master again, which has an even lower priority, it does...

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Terminating a shell script bar from a script foo

I have a script foo which, if provided an argument start, starts, among other things a script bar in the background and exits - bar contains an infinite loop. At a later stage, I want to call foo with...

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Include std library in header or cpp?

If I have a class A which uses iostream, should I put the include statement of iostream in A.h or A.cpp?

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Why no variable size array in stack?

I don't really understand why I can't have a variable size array on the stack, so something likefoo(int n) { int a[n];}As I understand the stack(-segment) of part of the data-segment and thus it is not...

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Motivation for not using virtual functions [duplicate]

I hope this question is not too vague, but coming from java, I can not think of any reason why I would use non-virtual functions in C++. Is there a nice example which demonstrates the benefit of...

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Semicolon after Function

Is there a specific reason why some people put a semicolon after the curly closing function bracket?void foo() {};

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cost function in cv.glm of boot library in R

I am trying to use the crossvalidation cv.glm function from the boot library in R to determine the number of misclassifications when a glm logistic regression is applied. The function has the following...

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Scope vs. Lifetime of Variable

What is the relation between the scope and the lifetime of a variable?If a variable is out of scope, is the memory of it allowed to be overwritten by another variable, or is the space reserved until...

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How to know which malloc is used?

The way I understand it, there exist many different malloc implementations:dlmalloc – General purpose allocatorptmalloc2 – glibcjemalloc – FreeBSD and Firefoxtcmalloc – Googlelibumem – SolarisIs there...

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What's the difference between _int_malloc and malloc (in Valgrind)

I am amazed that I can't find any document stating the difference between _int_malloc and malloc in the output of Valgrind's callgrind tool.Could anybody explain what's their difference? Furthermore, I...

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Define variable b of the same type as variable a

Is it possible to declare a variable var_b of the same type as another variable, var_a?For example:template <class T>void foo(T t) { auto var_a = bar(t); //make var_b of the same type as...

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